1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288
use gpui::Hsla;
use refineable::Refineable;
use std::sync::Arc;
use crate::{PlayerColors, StatusColors, SyntaxTheme, SystemColors};
#[derive(Refineable, Clone, Debug)]
#[refineable(Debug, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct ThemeColors {
pub border: Hsla,
/// Border color. Used for deemphasized borders, like a visual divider between two sections
pub border_variant: Hsla,
/// Border color. Used for focused elements, like keyboard focused list item.
pub border_focused: Hsla,
/// Border color. Used for selected elements, like an active search filter or selected checkbox.
pub border_selected: Hsla,
/// Border color. Used for transparent borders. Used for placeholder borders when an element gains a border on state change.
pub border_transparent: Hsla,
/// Border color. Used for disabled elements, like a disabled input or button.
pub border_disabled: Hsla,
/// Border color. Used for elevated surfaces, like a context menu, popup, or dialog.
pub elevated_surface_background: Hsla,
/// Background Color. Used for grounded surfaces like a panel or tab.
pub surface_background: Hsla,
/// Background Color. Used for the app background and blank panels or windows.
pub background: Hsla,
/// Background Color. Used for the background of an element that should have a different background than the surface it's on.
/// Elements might include: Buttons, Inputs, Checkboxes, Radio Buttons...
/// For an element that should have the same background as the surface it's on, use `ghost_element_background`.
pub element_background: Hsla,
/// Background Color. Used for the hover state of an element that should have a different background than the surface it's on.
/// Hover states are triggered by the mouse entering an element, or a finger touching an element on a touch screen.
pub element_hover: Hsla,
/// Background Color. Used for the active state of an element that should have a different background than the surface it's on.
/// Active states are triggered by the mouse button being pressed down on an element, or the Return button or other activator being pressd.
pub element_active: Hsla,
/// Background Color. Used for the selected state of an element that should have a different background than the surface it's on.
/// Selected states are triggered by the element being selected (or "activated") by the user.
/// This could include a selected checkbox, a toggleable button that is toggled on, etc.
pub element_selected: Hsla,
/// Background Color. Used for the disabled state of an element that should have a different background than the surface it's on.
/// Disabled states are shown when a user cannot interact with an element, like a disabled button or input.
pub element_disabled: Hsla,
/// Background Color. Used for the area that shows where a dragged element will be dropped.
pub drop_target_background: Hsla,
/// Border Color. Used to show the area that shows where a dragged element will be dropped.
// pub drop_target_border: Hsla,
/// Used for the background of a ghost element that should have the same background as the surface it's on.
/// Elements might include: Buttons, Inputs, Checkboxes, Radio Buttons...
/// For an element that should have a different background than the surface it's on, use `element_background`.
pub ghost_element_background: Hsla,
/// Background Color. Used for the hover state of a ghost element that should have the same background as the surface it's on.
/// Hover states are triggered by the mouse entering an element, or a finger touching an element on a touch screen.
pub ghost_element_hover: Hsla,
/// Background Color. Used for the active state of a ghost element that should have the same background as the surface it's on.
/// Active states are triggered by the mouse button being pressed down on an element, or the Return button or other activator being pressd.
pub ghost_element_active: Hsla,
/// Background Color. Used for the selected state of a ghost element that should have the same background as the surface it's on.
/// Selected states are triggered by the element being selected (or "activated") by the user.
/// This could include a selected checkbox, a toggleable button that is toggled on, etc.
pub ghost_element_selected: Hsla,
/// Background Color. Used for the disabled state of a ghost element that should have the same background as the surface it's on.
/// Disabled states are shown when a user cannot interact with an element, like a disabled button or input.
pub ghost_element_disabled: Hsla,
/// Text Color. Default text color used for most text.
pub text: Hsla,
/// Text Color. Color of muted or deemphasized text. It is a subdued version of the standard text color.
pub text_muted: Hsla,
/// Text Color. Color of the placeholder text typically shown in input fields to guide the user to enter valid data.
pub text_placeholder: Hsla,
/// Text Color. Color used for text denoting disabled elements. Typically, the color is faded or grayed out to emphasize the disabled state.
pub text_disabled: Hsla,
/// Text Color. Color used for emphasis or highlighting certain text, like an active filter or a matched character in a search.
pub text_accent: Hsla,
/// Fill Color. Used for the default fill color of an icon.
pub icon: Hsla,
/// Fill Color. Used for the muted or deemphasized fill color of an icon.
/// This might be used to show an icon in an inactive pane, or to demphasize a series of icons to give them less visual weight.
pub icon_muted: Hsla,
/// Fill Color. Used for the disabled fill color of an icon.
/// Disabled states are shown when a user cannot interact with an element, like a icon button.
pub icon_disabled: Hsla,
/// Fill Color. Used for the placeholder fill color of an icon.
/// This might be used to show an icon in an input that disappears when the user enters text.
pub icon_placeholder: Hsla,
/// Fill Color. Used for the accent fill color of an icon.
/// This might be used to show when a toggleable icon button is selected.
pub icon_accent: Hsla,
// ===
// UI Elements
// ===
pub status_bar_background: Hsla,
pub title_bar_background: Hsla,
pub toolbar_background: Hsla,
pub tab_bar_background: Hsla,
pub tab_inactive_background: Hsla,
pub tab_active_background: Hsla,
// pub panel_background: Hsla,
// pub pane_focused_border: Hsla,
// /// The color of the scrollbar thumb.
// pub scrollbar_thumb_background: Hsla,
// /// The color of the scrollbar thumb when hovered over.
// pub scrollbar_thumb_hover_background: Hsla,
// /// The border color of the scrollbar thumb.
// pub scrollbar_thumb_border: Hsla,
// /// The background color of the scrollbar track.
// pub scrollbar_track_background: Hsla,
// /// The border color of the scrollbar track.
// pub scrollbar_track_border: Hsla,
// /// The opacity of the scrollbar status marks, like diagnostic states and git status..
// pub scrollbar_status_opacity: Hsla,
// ===
// Editor
// ===
pub editor_background: Hsla,
// pub editor_inactive_background: Hsla,
pub editor_gutter_background: Hsla,
pub editor_subheader_background: Hsla,
pub editor_active_line_background: Hsla,
pub editor_highlighted_line_background: Hsla,
/// Text Color. Used for the text of the line number in the editor gutter.
pub editor_line_number: Hsla,
/// Text Color. Used for the text of the line number in the editor gutter when the line is highlighted.
pub editor_active_line_number: Hsla,
/// Text Color. Used to mark invisible characters in the editor.
/// Example: spaces, tabs, carriage returns, etc.
pub editor_invisible: Hsla,
pub editor_wrap_guide: Hsla,
pub editor_active_wrap_guide: Hsla,
pub editor_document_highlight_read_background: Hsla,
pub editor_document_highlight_write_background: Hsla,
// ===
// Terminal
// ===
/// Terminal Background Color
pub terminal_background: Hsla,
/// Bright Black Color for ANSI Terminal
pub terminal_ansi_bright_black: Hsla,
/// Bright Red Color for ANSI Terminal
pub terminal_ansi_bright_red: Hsla,
/// Bright Green Color for ANSI Terminal
pub terminal_ansi_bright_green: Hsla,
/// Bright Yellow Color for ANSI Terminal
pub terminal_ansi_bright_yellow: Hsla,
/// Bright Blue Color for ANSI Terminal
pub terminal_ansi_bright_blue: Hsla,
/// Bright Magenta Color for ANSI Terminal
pub terminal_ansi_bright_magenta: Hsla,
/// Bright Cyan Color for ANSI Terminal
pub terminal_ansi_bright_cyan: Hsla,
/// Bright White Color for ANSI Terminal
pub terminal_ansi_bright_white: Hsla,
/// Black Color for ANSI Terminal
pub terminal_ansi_black: Hsla,
/// Red Color for ANSI Terminal
pub terminal_ansi_red: Hsla,
/// Green Color for ANSI Terminal
pub terminal_ansi_green: Hsla,
/// Yellow Color for ANSI Terminal
pub terminal_ansi_yellow: Hsla,
/// Blue Color for ANSI Terminal
pub terminal_ansi_blue: Hsla,
/// Magenta Color for ANSI Terminal
pub terminal_ansi_magenta: Hsla,
/// Cyan Color for ANSI Terminal
pub terminal_ansi_cyan: Hsla,
/// White Color for ANSI Terminal
pub terminal_ansi_white: Hsla,
// new colors
// ===
// Elevation
// ===
// elevation_0_shadow
// elevation_0_shadow_color
// elevation_1_shadow
// elevation_1_shadow_color
// elevation_2_shadow
// elevation_2_shadow_color
// elevation_3_shadow
// elevation_3_shadow_color
// elevation_4_shadow
// elevation_4_shadow_color
// elevation_5_shadow
// elevation_5_shadow_color
// ===
// UI Text
// ===
// pub headline: Hsla,
// pub paragraph: Hsla,
// pub link: Hsla,
// pub link_hover: Hsla,
// pub code_block_background: Hsla,
// pub code_block_border: Hsla,
#[derive(Refineable, Clone)]
pub struct ThemeStyles {
pub system: SystemColors,
pub colors: ThemeColors,
pub status: StatusColors,
pub player: PlayerColors,
pub syntax: Arc<SyntaxTheme>,
mod tests {
use serde_json::json;
use super::*;
fn override_a_single_theme_color() {
let mut colors = ThemeColors::light();
let magenta: Hsla = gpui::rgb(0xff00ff);
assert_ne!(colors.text, magenta);
let overrides = ThemeColorsRefinement {
text: Some(magenta),
assert_eq!(colors.text, magenta);
fn override_multiple_theme_colors() {
let mut colors = ThemeColors::light();
let magenta: Hsla = gpui::rgb(0xff00ff);
let green: Hsla = gpui::rgb(0x00ff00);
assert_ne!(colors.text, magenta);
assert_ne!(colors.background, green);
let overrides = ThemeColorsRefinement {
text: Some(magenta),
background: Some(green),
assert_eq!(colors.text, magenta);
assert_eq!(colors.background, green);
fn deserialize_theme_colors_refinement_from_json() {
let colors: ThemeColorsRefinement = serde_json::from_value(json!({
"background": "#ff00ff",
"text": "#ff0000"
assert_eq!(colors.background, Some(gpui::rgb(0xff00ff)));
assert_eq!(colors.text, Some(gpui::rgb(0xff0000)));