1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137
// todo!()
use alacritty_terminal::term::color::Rgb as AlacRgb;
// use gpui::color::Color;
// use theme2::TerminalStyle;
///Converts a 2, 8, or 24 bit color ANSI color to the GPUI equivalent
// pub fn convert_color(alac_color: &AnsiColor, style: &TerminalStyle) -> Color {
// match alac_color {
// //Named and theme defined colors
// alacritty_terminal::ansi::Color::Named(n) => match n {
// alacritty_terminal::ansi::NamedColor::Black => style.black,
// alacritty_terminal::ansi::NamedColor::Red => style.red,
// alacritty_terminal::ansi::NamedColor::Green => style.green,
// alacritty_terminal::ansi::NamedColor::Yellow => style.yellow,
// alacritty_terminal::ansi::NamedColor::Blue => style.blue,
// alacritty_terminal::ansi::NamedColor::Magenta => style.magenta,
// alacritty_terminal::ansi::NamedColor::Cyan => style.cyan,
// alacritty_terminal::ansi::NamedColor::White => style.white,
// alacritty_terminal::ansi::NamedColor::BrightBlack => style.bright_black,
// alacritty_terminal::ansi::NamedColor::BrightRed => style.bright_red,
// alacritty_terminal::ansi::NamedColor::BrightGreen => style.bright_green,
// alacritty_terminal::ansi::NamedColor::BrightYellow => style.bright_yellow,
// alacritty_terminal::ansi::NamedColor::BrightBlue => style.bright_blue,
// alacritty_terminal::ansi::NamedColor::BrightMagenta => style.bright_magenta,
// alacritty_terminal::ansi::NamedColor::BrightCyan => style.bright_cyan,
// alacritty_terminal::ansi::NamedColor::BrightWhite => style.bright_white,
// alacritty_terminal::ansi::NamedColor::Foreground => style.foreground,
// alacritty_terminal::ansi::NamedColor::Background => style.background,
// alacritty_terminal::ansi::NamedColor::Cursor => style.cursor,
// alacritty_terminal::ansi::NamedColor::DimBlack => style.dim_black,
// alacritty_terminal::ansi::NamedColor::DimRed => style.dim_red,
// alacritty_terminal::ansi::NamedColor::DimGreen => style.dim_green,
// alacritty_terminal::ansi::NamedColor::DimYellow => style.dim_yellow,
// alacritty_terminal::ansi::NamedColor::DimBlue => style.dim_blue,
// alacritty_terminal::ansi::NamedColor::DimMagenta => style.dim_magenta,
// alacritty_terminal::ansi::NamedColor::DimCyan => style.dim_cyan,
// alacritty_terminal::ansi::NamedColor::DimWhite => style.dim_white,
// alacritty_terminal::ansi::NamedColor::BrightForeground => style.bright_foreground,
// alacritty_terminal::ansi::NamedColor::DimForeground => style.dim_foreground,
// },
// //'True' colors
// alacritty_terminal::ansi::Color::Spec(rgb) => Color::new(rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b, u8::MAX),
// //8 bit, indexed colors
// alacritty_terminal::ansi::Color::Indexed(i) => get_color_at_index(&(*i as usize), style),
// }
// }
/// TODO: Move this
///Converts an 8 bit ANSI color to it's GPUI equivalent.
///Accepts usize for compatibility with the alacritty::Colors interface,
///Other than that use case, should only be called with values in the [0,255] range
// pub fn get_color_at_index(index: &usize, style: &TerminalStyle) -> Color {
// match index {
// //0-15 are the same as the named colors above
// 0 => style.black,
// 1 => style.red,
// 2 => style.green,
// 3 => style.yellow,
// 4 => style.blue,
// 5 => style.magenta,
// 6 => style.cyan,
// 7 => style.white,
// 8 => style.bright_black,
// 9 => style.bright_red,
// 10 => style.bright_green,
// 11 => style.bright_yellow,
// 12 => style.bright_blue,
// 13 => style.bright_magenta,
// 14 => style.bright_cyan,
// 15 => style.bright_white,
// //16-231 are mapped to their RGB colors on a 0-5 range per channel
// 16..=231 => {
// let (r, g, b) = rgb_for_index(&(*index as u8)); //Split the index into it's ANSI-RGB components
// let step = (u8::MAX as f32 / 5.).floor() as u8; //Split the RGB range into 5 chunks, with floor so no overflow
// Color::new(r * step, g * step, b * step, u8::MAX) //Map the ANSI-RGB components to an RGB color
// }
// //232-255 are a 24 step grayscale from black to white
// 232..=255 => {
// let i = *index as u8 - 232; //Align index to 0..24
// let step = (u8::MAX as f32 / 24.).floor() as u8; //Split the RGB grayscale values into 24 chunks
// Color::new(i * step, i * step, i * step, u8::MAX) //Map the ANSI-grayscale components to the RGB-grayscale
// }
// //For compatibility with the alacritty::Colors interface
// 256 => style.foreground,
// 257 => style.background,
// 258 => style.cursor,
// 259 => style.dim_black,
// 260 => style.dim_red,
// 261 => style.dim_green,
// 262 => style.dim_yellow,
// 263 => style.dim_blue,
// 264 => style.dim_magenta,
// 265 => style.dim_cyan,
// 266 => style.dim_white,
// 267 => style.bright_foreground,
// 268 => style.black, //'Dim Background', non-standard color
// _ => Color::new(0, 0, 0, 255),
// }
// }
///Generates the rgb channels in [0, 5] for a given index into the 6x6x6 ANSI color cube
///See: [8 bit ansi color](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#8-bit).
///Wikipedia gives a formula for calculating the index for a given color:
///index = 16 + 36 × r + 6 × g + b (0 ≤ r, g, b ≤ 5)
///This function does the reverse, calculating the r, g, and b components from a given index.
// fn rgb_for_index(i: &u8) -> (u8, u8, u8) {
// debug_assert!((&16..=&231).contains(&i));
// let i = i - 16;
// let r = (i - (i % 36)) / 36;
// let g = ((i % 36) - (i % 6)) / 6;
// let b = (i % 36) % 6;
// (r, g, b)
// }
use gpui::Rgba;
//Convenience method to convert from a GPUI color to an alacritty Rgb
pub fn to_alac_rgb(color: impl Into<Rgba>) -> AlacRgb {
let color = color.into();
let r = ((color.r * color.a) * 255.) as u8;
let g = ((color.g * color.a) * 255.) as u8;
let b = ((color.b * color.a) * 255.) as u8;
AlacRgb::new(r, g, b)
// #[cfg(test)]
// mod tests {
// #[test]
// fn test_rgb_for_index() {
// //Test every possible value in the color cube
// for i in 16..=231 {
// let (r, g, b) = crate::mappings::colors::rgb_for_index(&(i as u8));
// assert_eq!(i, 16 + 36 * r + 6 * g + b);
// }
// }
// }